Thursday, October 2, 2008

Bringin Bloggin Back

So I have been a MIA blogger. I blame it on the fact that I got chocolate in my camera back in June- I do not like to blog with out photos- but let's just be honest, I've been lazy. It makes me sad because we have had some really funny things happen and now they are lost forever. Since journaling is even more difficult for me ,I know that I need to blog to preserve memories for my children.

So I did it... I bit the bullet and got a new camera. Her name is Eleanore. She is beautiful. I wanted to show you all a picture but then I realized that taking a picture of my camera would prove very difficult. I considered traveling back in time to the moment I bought her. It is defiantly a moment that should be documented, like the birth of a child, but that got me to wondering... If past Eleanore and present Eleanore were in the same room, would Eleanore cease to exist? I am not sure about all the rules of time travel but I do think I remember something about that in Back To The Future. I began researching the Space Time Continuum but realized that is much more difficult than just getting a picture of the camera off of the Sony website. So alas, this is not my Eleanore but a camera that is in every way identical.

So I know if I am going to return to the blogging world, I better "bring it" with my first post. My Brother-in-law is extremely criticizing and I feel that I must put my best out there to appease him. He threatens to with hold Kenedee if I do not do what he says. With that said I have come up with a little song to mark the occasion. It is to the tune of Justin Timberlake's Bringing Sexy Back. For those of you that are not familiar with the tune, please select the song in my playlist so you get the full gist.

Bringin Bloggin Back

I'm bringing bloggin back
Myspace and Facebook are really whack
My family's crazy, got to lead the pack
Was MIA now I'll never slack
Take em to the bridge
Naked kid
Piles of laundry and dishes sway
Evil dog that always misbehaves
And a first grader looking for some praise
Take em to the chorus
Evil dog
come read about it
boy on farm
come read about it
empty womb
come read about it
Jo Bros "Swoon"
come read about it
girl sings off tune
come read about it
My huge hips
come read about it
children's smiles
come read about it
poop and bile
come read about it
And get your Blog on
Get your blog on (Repeat)

After browsing some of the blogs I used to stalk, I see that many of you out there need to take a look at your own blogs and ask yourself "Am I giving the people what they want?" Honestly, people, I need to know that I am not the only one out there with a whacked out life.

I AM RECOMMITTING TO THE BLOGGING WORLD and if you have been a little lax with your blog, I challenge you to recommit too. Maybe Andy can make us T-shirts.


Anonymous said... are so awesome! You are coming over tomorrow...right??? You better come because us moms have to stick together with this Girls Night In/Out thing if we are going to maintain some sort of sanity! Love ya girl!


Shannon said...

I will be there!

Shannon said...

Becky pointed out that a picture in the mirror would have worked too. I think she should keep her simple minded ideas to herself ;o)

Unknown said...

What? Are our blogs not satisfying enough for you?

I admit, my life has been boring lately.

Eric said...

I would love to see a YouTube Video of you singing that song! You couild even have Gary do the back-up vocals...."take it to the Bridge."
I found my self dancing to the beat as I read your lyrics.

Unknown said...

I'd love to see Eric blog again.